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Exodus 3:10-12a
So now, go. I am sending you to Pharaoh to bring my people the Israelites out of Egypt.” But Moses said to God, “Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the Israelites out of Egypt?” And God said, “I will be with you”
While I was studying for and preparing the study “A walk through the Old Testament”, I met Moses one more time. A man just like me. A man who had been hiding for 40 years from the Egyptians and then spent 40 years tending his father in law’s flocks. Moses was a normal man; he was modest, fearful at times and was very preoccupied with his job.
It seems God chooses at times this kind of people, less charismatic, less skilled, lacking in courage, having no influential friends to whom he can resort. Strange enough though, God unveils to Moses and talks about the mission He wants to entrust him with. Moses begins hesitating, just like the majority of us would do. “Lord, I am not worthy!”, “Lord, I can’t do it!”, “Lord, find someone else” or “Who am I that that you would chose someone like me?” It is interesting to see that, despite Moses’ resistance and forwardness, God does not give in and does not change him with someone else. Moses is left with no chance but to accomplish the mission with which God entrusted him. For 40 years, Moses follows every step that God tells him to do, even if he went through hardships, crisis and even if he made mistakes at times.
When God targets you, it does not matter if you are a stutterer, what abilities you posses, what disabilities you have. There is only one think that matters: obeying Him and doing His will.
24 years have passed since God entrusted me with a mission. At times it was hard, I felt useless and incapable and other times I wondered: why me? For me, I have had only one certainty in this whole time: God’s word “I will be with you”. In all these years of serving, His presence has been my solace, my power, my hope, my impulse, my solution when I faced with problems. I praise Him for all the care and power He has given me to fulfill the mission with which He entrusted me.
Charis Farm
Lately we have been working hard in the farm. We got ready, planted and maintained the strawberries, the blackcurrants, the blackberries and the vineyard. We sowed and transplanted seedlings. We planted and cleaned up the fruit trees. We planted over 700 pieces of lilac and ivy. The fruit and vegetables from the farm support Charis projects and programs.
Nehemiah Program
Lately we have supported the founding of a church for Gypsies, Nehemiah Church Tileagd. In mid-March, a group of Christians started to meet in the house of an old partner from Tileagd. He puts his house at the disposal of other Christians on Sundays and there are around 25 – 30 Gypsies who come from Tileagd and nearby villages to worship God.
At the beginning of April we founded this church and started to turn a garage into a church hall. With the support of Charis Foundation and other 4 families (friends and partners) they made the ceiling of the building, plastered three walls and bought a door.
What is more, the manager of the foundation, Daniel Ciupe, has started a series of sermons from the Gospel of John and he preaches in this newfound church once a fortnight. 10 people have already received Jesus Christ as their Lord and we hope that they will get baptized this summer.
A Walk Through the Old Testament
This is a 7-part course edited through Charis Life Press program and delivered by Daniel Ciupe, the manager of the foundation. Hope Baptist Church organises it for the Sunday School teachers and for the leaders of the small groups. So far, there have been 2 meetings with around 30 participants.
Friends and Partners
We really enjoy receiving the visit of friends and partners who come to support Charis ministry. We enjoyed the visit of Chris and Sue Sealy from Capstone&Cross, Melksham UK, an organisation with which we have been working for 15 years
Open Doors
We put Charis facilities at the disposal of some groups from Hope Baptist Church, Oradea.
1) The conference for Sunday School Teachers. This was a one-day conference attended by over 30 Sunday School teachers. On this occasion, they received training in the ministry they do with the children who come to Sunday School. It was also an opportunity for these teachers to interact.
2) Fellowship and Beach Volleyball. 12 teenagers from the church attended this meeting. They were able to enjoy a time of fellowship and relaxation.
Pray for the Nehemiah Church from Tileagd and for Sany, the deacon of the church. For the following period we have two main objectives: to finish the church hall where the congregation will meet in the future and to get ready for the baptism of those who received Christ in their lives.
Pray for Ema Cristina, the project coordinator and volunteer of the foundation. She has a difficult period ahead. It’s her last year of University, she has to defend her graduation thesis and has to sit her master admission test at the University of Oradea.
Pray for Daniel Ciupe – general manager of Charis Foundation and certified trainer. Lately, besides the daily activities at the foundation, he has been drafting, writing, editing and delivering a course on the Old Testament. This is a 7-part course and each course lasts for 5 hours.
Each month we need at least 1800 € to cover the following costs: salaries, taxes, duties and current expenditures. Without this amount of money, it is impossible to survive.
In the first 4 months, with the support of our friends and our partner and through some activities, we managed to cover a large part of these costs.
However, we had to borrow 2000 euro in order to cover the rest and we will soon have to give the money back. We need 2000 euro to cover this loan.
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